Weblog Kitchen
Welcome Visitors
Things To Do
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Whos Who
Hypertext Kitchen
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How To Edit
Wiki Sandbox
This page lists starting points for people who'd like to lend a hand and contribute to this Wiki. Got a minute?
We keep (fairly) good backups. Don't worry too much if things get fouled up. Just email mailto:bernstein@eastgate.com to alert us to the problem.
small tasks
- Make a new page with your own WikiSignature, and add a link to it at WhosWho
- Fix spelling errors, blunders, and typos when you see them. Thanks!
- Add new sites to NotableWeblogs and NotableWikis
- Write or revise: WeblogSpecies, HyperWave, LiteraryMachines, Storyspace, HyperCard, ToulminDiagram, CycleControversy, NavigationProblem, SculpturalHypertext, CalligraphicHypertext, AdaptiveHypertext, GuardField, TyrannyOfTheLink, DigitalArtsAndCulture
- Contribute to our overview of current issues & resources in KnowledgeManagement & KmDiscussion
- Expand WeblogTheory
- Discuss issues in TheWikiWay in light of hypertext research
- Look a http:changes.cgi, which lists Recent Changes. Examine new pages, find ways to link them with other pages.
- Look at http:refcount.cgi , which lists the number of links to each page. Find ways to make new links to underlinked pages.
bigger tasks
- directory of popular articles on weblogs, organized somehow
- link to more Wikis
- Wiki background material (beyond OneMinuteWiki)
- recruit new writers
- definitions of key terms
Wiki hacks
- ISBN links (to automate reference to books)
- One word links
- No InterWiki yet? How about SisterSites as well as the more usual links? -- JohnAbbe
- Use a WikiBadge like PleaseExpandThis to coordinate work with the rest of us
- Click on the title of any page to see a list of pages that currently link to it