Weblog Kitchen
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Eastgate |
Welcome to the Weblog Kitchen, a Wiki about research in weblogs, wikis, and related hypertext technologies.
This wiki was created by MarkBernstein, chief scientist of EastgateSystems, but you are invited to add to it, extend it, and improve it. Your can add to, revise, and enhance any part of this site, from any web browser.
All contributors do their best to be accurate in matters of fact and judicious in matters of taste. All of us are partial to some tools, topics, and sites. You may have better information; if so, please correct errors. You may have better opinions -- or different opinions! If so, please add your thoughts.
Here is a place to start ToDo.
We keep good backups. Don't worry too much if things get fouled up. Just email mailto:bernstein@eastgate.com to alert us to the problem.
-- Last edited November 30, 2002 |
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